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complying with government guidelines

This is a time when your emotional and physical health needs love, care and attention.


We have all had to adapt the way we live due to Covid-19. Here at Olive Branch Retreat we remain confident that with the adaptions we have made you will always receive a consistent and professional 'hands on' treatment that will improve and nurture your overall wellbeing.

We are...

1. Working within the current Government guidelines.

​2. Complying with the Covid-19 Secure Hygiene Guidelines - details strict hygiene practices for the therapist.

3. Hand washing immediately before and after treatments (or hand sanitiser with a minimum of 60% alcohol)

4. Clean and dedicated clothes/uniform are soley used for treatments.

5. Treatment spacing - allowing 30 minutes in between each client to minimise client contact.

6. Sanitising and cleaning - In between each client the treatment couch/chair and any surface that has been touched will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitised.

7. Providing clean linen and towels for each client.

8. Disposing of any waste in line with current Government guidelines.

9. Laundering textiles in line with current Government guidelines.


Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any reservations regarding the above.

As a client we request that you: 

1. Notify us of any changes to your health including symptoms of Covid and any other members of your social bubble or family unit and re-arrange your appointment if necessary.

2. Declare on arrival if anything has changed with your health or within your family unit.

3. Use hand sanitiser on arrival.

4. Inform your therapist if you develop symptoms of Covid-19. 

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